We are grateful for your interest in the Colo-Nesco Community School District. Learn more at www.colonesco.org.
Regular Board Meeting times and dates will be set by the board at its organizational meeting. The Board of Education typically meets on the third Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the Board Room at the High School, at 919 West Street, Colo, Iowa, 50056. Special meetings and Workshop Meetings are also called when necessary.
All meeting notices and board agendas are posted in advance, here on our website. Special provisions apply in the case of an emergency meeting, if a quorum is not present, or for other extenuating circumstances. Public notice of the meetings will be provided. Minutes are recorded by the board secretary and represent official actions taken by the board, but do not include verbatim transcripts of conversations and discussions from each meeting. Minutes are posted here, on our website.
Special Meetings may be called by the Board President or by the Board Secretary upon request of a majority of the board. Should a Special Meeting be called, public notice will be given. If the Special Meeting called is an Emergency Meeting and the board cannot give public notice in its usual manner, the board will give public notice of the meeting as soon as practical and possible in light of the situation. Emergency Meetings are only held when an issue cannot wait for 24-hours for a Special Meeting. The reason for any Emergency Meeting will be stated in the minutes. Only the purpose or issue for which the Special Meeting was called may be discussed in the Special Meeting.
Board Work Sessions may be scheduled in order to provide members and administration with opportunities for planning, brainstorming and thoughtful decision without action. The board has the authority to hire an outside facilitator to assist them in work sessions. Topics for discussion and study will be announced publically, and work sessions or retreats will be conducted in open sessions. No board action will take place at a work session.
Closed Sessions take place as part of an open meeting. The item for discussion in the closed session will be
listed as part of the tentative agenda on the public notice. Reasons for the board entering into a closed session from an open meeting include, but are not limited to,
the following:
- To review or discuss records which are required or authorized by state or federal law to be kept confidential or to be kept confidential as a condition for the board’s possession or receipt of federal funds.
- To discuss strategy with legal counsel in matters presently in litigation, or where litigation is imminent, if disclosure would be likely to prejudice or disadvantage the board.
- To discuss whether to conduct a hearing, or conduct a hearing for suspension or expulsion of a student, unless an open meeting is requested by the student or the parent of the student.
- To evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when a closed session is necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session.
- To discuss the purchase of particular real estate, but only when premature disclosure could be reasonably expected to increase the price the board would have to pay for the property.
All Regular and Special Meetings are open to the public. Individuals or groups wishing to make comments to the Board about an item on the agenda, or not on the agenda, may do so by contacting Sandy Cutler, Secretary, via email at scutler@colo-nesco.k12.ia.us or via phone at (641) 377-2282 ext. 201 and leaving a message with your comment by noon on the day of the meeting.
View the Board Goals for Colo-Nesco Community Schools.