605.6E2 - Internet Appropriate Use Violation Notice

Student:  ______________________________________                                                                                                                                   
Date:   ______________________________________

Students who access restricted items on the Internet are subject to the appropriate action described in the school's discipline policy or student handbook or to the following consequences:

____  First Offense:
The above student has violated the Student Internet Policy by intentionally accessing restricted material. He/she may lose Internet access for up to three weeks at the discretion of the supervising teacher. A second offense will result in the student losing Internet access for a period _______________________ .

____  Second Offense:
The above student has violated the Student Internet Policy by intentionally accessing restricted material for a second time. As a consequence of this violation the above student has lost Internet access for a period _______________________ .

____  Third Offense:
The above student has violated the Student Internet Policy by intentionally accessing restricted material for a third time. As a consequence of this violation the above student has forfeited all Internet privileges for a period of ____________ or the balance of the school year.

Reviewed: 2/21/2022             Revised: 02/21/2022             Approved: 07/21/14