Board Minutes - 23.05.15

Board Minutes - 23.05.15


                                                    BOARD OF EDUCATION

The regular meeting was held by the Colo-NESCO Board of Education on May 15, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. in the Colo-NESCO Middle/High School Library in Colo, Iowa.  Attendance:  Joel Niemeyer, Justin Jedlicka, Justin Walker, Katy McKinney, Fuller (6:41p.m.); Cutler (7:37 p.m.) Staff: Marc Snavely, Sherri Ruzek (virtual), Rita Foley, Brandon Kelley, Ken Leighty, Bill Lytle Absent: Brad Kohlwes


1.               Call to Order meeting was called to order at 6:37 p.m.

2.                Approval of Agenda Jedlicka moved to approve the agenda, Walker second. Ayes: ALL Agenda approved 4-0.                                      

3.                Public Comments: There were no public comments

4.                Public Hearing Jedlicka moved to public hearing at 6:38 p.m. McKinney second. Ayes: ALL Moved to public hearing.                  

                    4.1             Discussion on Amendment of Current Budget Ruzek discussed the amendment of the current budget.

4.2             Approval of Amendment of Current Budget Jedlicka moved to approve the amendment of the current budget, Walker second.  Ayes: ALL Budget amendment approved 4-0.           

5.                Information/Discussion:

           5.1             School Board Recognition Snavely recognized all board members and thanked them for their time spent for the District.

5.2             Discussion on McCallsburg Daycare Lease Snavely reviewed the discussion that was held with the daycare.  They will come to the June meeting.

5.3             Discussion on Walnut Creek Psychiatry Contract Snavely discussed the agreement with Walnut Creek Psychiatry.

5.4             Discussion on Value-Up Contract Snavely discussed the Value-Up Contract to bring a speaker in on orientation night.

                    5.5             Discussion on Vista Contract Snavely discussed the Vista contract for the accounting/personnel.

                    5.6             Discussion on DASHIR Contract & Employee Pay Increases Snavely discussed the Dashir renewal.

5.7             Discussion on TLC Positions for the 2023-2024 School Year Snavely discussed the TLC positions for the 23-24 school year.

5.8             Discussion on YSS Kid’s Club MOU Snavely discussed the YSS Kid’s Club MOU.  They received a $50,000 grant from Story County.

5.9             Discussion on Monday Preschool Special Activity in Zearing Snavely discussed starting the Monday program for preschool students.

5.10          Discussion on Special Education Service Delivery Plan Snavely discussed the Special Education Service Delivery Plan.

5.11          Discussion on Plan for Summertime Hours Snavely discussed the plan for summertime hours and the hours the District office will be open.

5.12          Discussion on a Request from a Family to Host a Foreign Exchange Student Snavely discussed the request from a family to host a Foreign Exchange Student.

5.13          Discussion on School Fees for the 2023-2024 School Year Snavely discussed the school fees for 23-24, only increase is adult lunch.

5.14          Discussion on Policy Primers Snavely presented the policy primers that were sent out by IASB after legislative changes.

5.15          Discussion on Master Agreement (2023-2028) Snavely presented the Master agreement for 23-28 and discussed the changes.

                    5.16          Discussion on PPEL/SAVE Purchases

                                                            a. Classroom Furniture-Colo & Zearing Snavely discussed purchasing furniture for 4 classrooms $66,771.50, there is also a quote for chairs for first grade $4322.58.

b. Bleachers-Colo This is being tabled until June due to the bids not being comparable as demolition was not included in one bid.

c. Tuckpointing-Colo, Zearing, & McCallsburg Lytle presented quotes from Iowa $48,990; Karr $62,875; Midwest $69,500.

d. Bus Leighty presented quotes for a new bus.  He also discussed that a school in Anamosa that is interested in purchasing bus 15.  Leighty did research on gas vs diesel.  He has found that the majority of gas busses are having less problems than diesel busses currently are.

6.                Action Agenda:

           6.1             Approval of Walnut Creek Psychiatry Contract McKinney moved to approve the contract with Walnut Creek Psychiatry, Jedlicka second. Ayes: ALL 6-0.

6.2             Approval of Value-Up Contract Jedlicka moved to approve the Value Up contract for $4,000, Fuller second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 6-0.

6.3             Approval of Vista Contract Jedlicka moved to approve the Vista contract for 23-24 for $9,200, McKinney second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 6-0.

6.4             Approval of DASHIR Contract and Employee Pay Increases Fuller moved to approve the DASHIR contract with a 2.5% increase, Walker second. Ayes: ALL, Motion approved 6-0.

6.5             Approval of TLC Positions for the 2023-2024 School Year Jedlicka moved to approve the TLC Positions, Fuller second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 5-0 (Niemeyer abstained).

6.6             Approval of YSS Kid’s Club MOU McKinney moved to approve the YSS Kid’s Club MOU, Jedlicka second.  Ayes: ALL Motion approved 6-0.

6.7             Approval of Monday Preschool Special Activity in Zearing Fuller moved to approve the special activity program in Zearing, Walker second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 6-0.

6.8             Approval of Special Education Service Delivery Plan Jedlicka moved to approve the Special Education Service Delivery Plan, McKinney second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 6-0.

6.9             Approval of Plan for Summertime Hours Walker moved to approve the summertime hours as presented, Fuller second. Ayes: ALL. Motion approved 6-0.

6.10          Approval of Request from a Family to Host a Foreign Exchange Student Fuller moved to approve the request for a Foreign Exchange Student, McKinney second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 6-0 (Jedlicka abstained.)

6.11          Approval of School Fees for the 2023-2024 School Year Jedlicka moved to approve school fees for the 23-24 school year, Fuller second.  Ayes: ALL Motion approved 6-0.

6.12          Approval of Policy Primers Fuller moved to approve the policy primers, Jedlicka second.  Ayes: All Motion approved 6-0.

6.13          Approval of Master Contract (2023-2028) Cutler moved to approve the Master Contract, Jedlicka second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 6-0.

                    6.14          Approval of PPEL/SAVE Purchases

a. Classroom Furniture-Colo & Zearing Jedlicka moved to approve the purchase of classroom furniture from Premier for $71,094.08, Cutler second.  Ayes: ALL Motion approved 6-0.

b. Bleachers-Colo tabled until June.

c. Tuckpointing-Colo, Zearing, & McCallsburg Cutler moved to approve tuckpointing from Iowa for $48.990, Walker second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 6-0.

d. Bus Cutler moved to approve purchasing a 2025 Blue Bird Gas Bus for $131,483 with no trade in, Jedlicka second.  Ayes: ALL Motion approved 6-0.

7.                Consent Agenda: Fuller moved to approve the consent agenda, Jedlicka second. Ayes All. Agenda approved 6-0.

                    7.1             Minutes

                    7.2             Bills

                    7.3             Financials  

7.4             Personnel

Hired: Stalzer VGBB; Parson Volunteer HS BB; Engelken FCCLA  stipend; Ronnfeldt volunteer HS FB; Purvis HS Asst SB Coach.

Resigned: Backoff – HS FB Cheer; Sutton – Girls Summer Weight Coach FY 24.

8.                Board Items 

                    8.1             Superintendent Comments  Baccalaureate is Wednesday, May 17; Graduation is Sunday, May 21, 2023.

8.2             Board Comments There were no comments    

8.3             Board Calendar  Next meeting June 19, 2023 at 6:30 in Colo.

9.                Adjourn Fuller moved to adjourn the meeting, Jedlicka second.  Meeting adjourned at 8:17p.m..

rfoley@colo-ne… Wed, 05/17/2023 - 08:16