2022-23 BOARD MINUTES Jen@iowaschool… Wed, 06/22/2022 - 08:39

Board Meeting - 2022.08.15

Board Meeting - 2022.08.15



A regular monthly board meeting was held by the Colo-NESCO Board of Education on Monday, August 15, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. in the Colo-NESCO Middle/High School Media Center located at 919 West Street, Colo, IA.  Board Members: Joel Niemeyer, John Fuller, Katie McKinney, Justin Walker, Brad Kohlwes. Staff: Marc Snavely, Brandon Kelley, Travis Owens, Sherri Ruzek, Brad Lytle, Rita Foley


1.                   Call to Order Niemeyer called the meeting to order at 6:30

2.                   Approval of Agenda Fuller moved to approve the agenda, McKinney second.  Ayes: ALL Motion approved 5-0                                              

3.                   Public Comments: No public comments                      

4.                   Information/Discussion:                       

4.1                Construction Update Snavely updated the Zearing project, cleaners have been working, landscaping is to begin this week. There are concerns with the kitchen being ready for next week. There are still some HVAC issues.  Lytle reported that there are issues with HVAC system in both buildings.

Fuller moved to go to closed session, McKinney second.  Roll Call. Moved to closed session at 6:40 p.m.

                        Fuller moved to return to open session, McKinney second. Roll Call Returned to open session at 7:46 p.m.


4.2                Discussion on Pay App #20 to Graphite Construction Fuller requested that we delay this pay application due to conflicting information from ISG.  We are waiting for feedback from legal counsel regarding and will decide on this pay app at a later meeting.

4.3                Discussion on Possibly Selling the Elevator Driveshaft in Zearing Snavely discussed possibly selling the elevator shaft, the concern is the upkeep of the elevator.  Discussion was to table this until there is a cost to the District.

4.4                Discussion on Possibly Sharing Junior High Football with Collins-Maxwell Owens discussed that there are still only 9 students out for JH FB.  If there aren’t more students out we will need to share with C/M.  The games will be played in Colo.

4.5                Discussion on Putting a Fence Around the Gas Pumps in Colo Lytle discussed the bid from Door & Fence to put a fence around the gas pumps in Colo.

4.6                Discussion on Purchasing Furniture for the Art Room & Entrance Area in Zearing Snavely discussed purchasing furniture from Premier for the art room and entry area in Zearing.

4.7                Discussion on Making Adjustments to the Main Basketball Hoops in Zearing Snavely discussed making adjustments to the Main BB hoops in Zearing due to renovations.  The rec department will contribute $1,000 to this project.

                        4.8                Discussion on Policy Primers Snavely discussed the policy primers that were put out by IASB.

                        4.9                Discussion on ESSER II/III Purchases Snavely discussed the update to ESSER II/III which addresses learning loss.

                        4.10            Discussion on Fuel Bids Snavely discussed the fuel bids from FS and Diamond.         


5.                   Action Agenda:         


5.1                Approval of Pay App #20 to Graphite Construction Lack of motion

5.2                Approval of Selling the Elevator Driveshaft in Zearing Lack of motion

5.3                Approval of Sharing Junior High Football with Collins-Maxwell Fuller moved to approve sharing JH FB with Collins-Maxwell if the participation does not increase, McKinney second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 5-0

5.4                Approval of Putting a Fence Around the Gas Pumps in Colo Kohlwes moved to approve the quote from Door & Fence for $3643.00 to put a fence around the gas pumps in Colo, Walker second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 5-0

5.5                Approval of Purchasing Furniture for the Art Room & Entrance Area in Zearing McKinney moved to approve purchasing furniture from Premier for Art Room & Entrance Area in Zearing for $10,927.77, Kohlwes second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 5-0

5.6                Approval                         of Making Adjustments to the Main Basketball Hoops in Zearing Fuller moved to approve making adjustments to the Main Basketball Hoops in Zearing by H2I for $5506, McKinney second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved

5.7                Approval of Policy Primers Fuller moved to approve the Policy Primers, Kohlwes second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved.

5.8                Approval of ESSER II/III Purchases McKinney moved to approve ESSERII/III purchases of Voyager Sopris Learning for $5359.85, ALEKS $704.62, Math Interventions $642.00, Fuller second.  Ayes: ALL Motion approved

5.9                Approval of Fuel Bids Kohlwes moved to approve Diamond for the fuel bid, Walker second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved.


6.                   Consent Agenda: Fuller moved to approve the consent agenda, McKinney second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved.

                        6.1                Minutes (August 8th Special Meeting)

                        6.2                Personnel Buckridge Asst GBB Coach

                        6.3                Bills

                        6.4                Financials

7.                   Board Items


7.1                Superintendent Comments Snavely discussed the new open enrollment changes. Snavely discussed setting the PPEL planning.  This meeting is set for Sept 13, 2022 at 6:00 in Colo.  The board requested that each department needs to present what needs to be purchased during this planning session.

                        7.2                Board Comments Fuller discussed there will be an IASB meeting on 9/13/22 to discuss their by-laws.

                        7.3                Board Calendar Next Regular Board Meeting is September 19, 2022 in Colo.


8.                   Adjourn Kohlwes moved to adjourn, Walker second. Meeting adjourned 8:34 p.m.


rfoley@colo-ne… Tue, 08/30/2022 - 12:55
File Attachments

Board Meeting - 2022.10.17

Board Meeting - 2022.10.17



A regular monthly board meeting was held by the Colo-NESCO Board of Education on Monday, October 17, 2022, at 5:30 p.m. in the Colo-NESCO Middle/High School Media Center located at 919 West Street, Colo, IA.  In attendance: Joel Neimeyer, Jon Cutler, Justin Jedlicka, Justin Walker, Brad Kohlews, Katie McKinney, Staff: Marc Snavely, Superintendent, Sherri Ruzek, SBO, Brandon Kelley, MS/HS Principal, Bill Lytle, Director of Buildings and Grounds; Guests: Lisa O’Brecht, Peggy O’Brecht, Andrew Short, Paul Beetner, Auditor (virtual)


1.              Call to Order Meeting was called to order at 5:30.

2.              Approval of Agenda Jedlicka moved to approve the agenda, Walker second. Ayes: ALL  Agenda approved 6-0.                           

3.              Public Comments: Lisa O’Brecht addressed the board regarding bullying in the MS/HS.  She is asking the board for help to address this issue and add more to the handbook regarding consequences for bullying.  Andrew Short wanted to let the Board know how much he appreciated how well the staff handled the Christian’s death last week.                 

4.              Information/Discussion:           

4.1           Fiscal Year 2021 Audit Report Beetner gave a review of the audit report findings to the Board.  The Board discussed the review.

4.2           Discussion on Agreement with North Central Iowa Consortium Snavely reported that we are transporting a student to Ft Dodge due to his needs being more than we are able to serve, we need to sign an agreement to be a part of this consortium. 

4.3           Discussion on Allowable Growth & Supplemental Aid for Special Education Deficit Snavely discussed that we have the ability to submit to the SPRC the Special Ed deficit of $74,513.14.  This will be submitted by Ruzek.

4.4           Discussion on Purchasing a New Vehicle to Transport Students Snavely reported that the District has a need to purchase a new vehicle to transport our students to Woodward and Ft Dodge.  There is a need for another vehicle to replace the van going to Woodward.  George White has provided a bid for a 2022 Chevrolet Malibu for $21,633.

4.5           Discussion on Construction Change Order #24 Snavely discussed that there is a storeroom in Zearing that needs some expolsed pipes covered as required from the Fire Marshall inspection in August, the cost of the change order is $1,924.

4.6           Discussion on Tree Maintenance Plan Lytle discussed that he had some tree people out last week.  Weiss Tree Service was the only company who responded back.  Every tree at the McCallsburg complex needs to be removed due to the Ash Borer and Derecho.  The cost will be $38,970.

               4.7           Discussion on Bus Garage in Zearing Lytle received bids regarding a bus garage in Zearing. 

4.8           Discussion on Carpeting the Zearing Front Entrance Snavely discussed the carpeting at the front entrance. This was ruined during the project.  Graphite has been served a 10 day notice to complete.  Phillips Commercial provided an estimate for these repairs at a cost of $37,303.              

5.              Action Agenda: 

5.1           Approval of Fiscal Year 2021 Audit Jedlicka moved to approve the FY21 audit, McKinney second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 6-0.

5.2           Approval of Agreement with North Central Iowa Consortium Cutler moved to approve the consortium agreement with North Central Iowa, Jedlicka second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved.

5.3           Approval of Allowable Growth & Supplemental Aid for Special Education Deficit Jedlicka moved to approve the Allowable Growth and Supplemental Aid for Special Education Deficit, Cutler second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 6-0.

5.4           Approval of Purchasing a New Vehicle to Transport Students Cutler moved to approve the purchase of a new vehicle from George White Chevrolet for $21,633, Walker second.  Ayes: ALL Motion approved 6-0.

5.5           Approval of Construction Change Order #24 Jedlicka moved to approve Change Order #24 for $1,924, McKinney second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 6-0

5.6           Approval of Tree Maintenance Plan Cutler moved to approve the tree maintenance plan as presented from Weiss Tree Service for $38,970, McKinney second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 6-0

5.7           Approval of Bus Garage in Zearing Kohlwes moved to approve the proposal from Wick Buildings for $132,483 to construct a Bus Garage in Zearing, Jedlicka second.  Ayes: All Motion approved 6-0.

5.8           Approval of Carpeting the Zearing Front Entrance Kohlwes moved to approve the bid for carpeting from Phillips Commercial for a cost of $37,303, Walker second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 6-0.

6.              Consent Agenda: Cutler moved to approve the consent agenda, Walker second. Ayes: ALL Agenda approved.

                  6.1           Minutes

                  6.2           Personnel

                  6.3           Bills

                  6.4           Financials

7.              Board Items


7.1           Superintendent Comments Snavely discussed the information for a potential track for Colo.  This estimate was $1,200,000, this will be discussed at the November meeting.  Snavely gave an update on the technology shared position with Collins-Maxwell and updated the potential for another shared position with them.  There would be a transition period with both of these positions. School Board convention is November 17, Snavely will be attending and asked if anyone else would like to attend. Snavely discussed the certified enrollment, the District is currently down.

7.2           Board Comments Niemeyer gave kudos to staff and administration for how everyone handled the tragedy last week. Cutler mentioned that this isn’t over the students and staff will continue to grieve.  If resources are need to assist staff and students please bring to the Board.

                  7.3           Board Calendar Next meeting will be held November 21, 2022 at 6:30 in Zearing.

8.              Adjourn Kohlwes moved to adjourn the meeting, Cutler second.  Meeting adjourned at 6:31 p.m.

rfoley@colo-ne… Tue, 10/18/2022 - 14:04

Board Meeting - 2022.12.19

Board Meeting - 2022.12.19


                              BOARD OF EDUCATION

A regular monthly board meeting was held by the Colo-NESCO Board of Education on Monday, December 19th, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. in the Zearing Conference Room located at 407 North Center Street.  Present: Joel Neimeyer, Justin Jedlicka, Justin Walker, Jon Cutler, Katy McKinney, John Fuller; Staff: Marc Snavely, Superintendent, Rita Foley, Kody Asmus, Sherri Ruzek (virtual) Beth Heller; Guests: Stephanie Unruh, Miles Unruh, Chase Unruh, Casey Unruh; Absent: Brad Kohlwes


1.              Call to Order Niemeyer called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

2.              Roll Call Foley held roll call

3.              Approval of Agenda Fuller moved to approve the agenda, Jedlicka second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 6-0.                                 

4.              Public Comments: Stephanie Unruh spoke about the bussing policy between Nevada and C/N.  Miles Unruh spoke about the bussing policy. Chase Unruh spoke about the bussing policy. Casey Unruh expressed his concern over the bussing policy. 

5.              Information/Discussion

5.1           School Improvement Update Asmus and Heller gave the school improvement update and progress reports on testing results. 

5.2           Construction Update Snavely updated the board on the construction progress and discussed the walk through that was held last Thursday. There are many items that are to be completed during the winter break.

5.3           Discussion on Change Order #25 Snavely discussed change order #25 which is for the cafeteria wall and bulkhead that was completed in Zearing for a cost of $4,538.00.

5.4           Discussion on ISG Additional Costs Snavely discussed the additional costs of $13,873.75 from ISG for work that was needed prior to mediation.  This is necessary to ensure that Graphite and their subs do the necessary work in the next month.

5.5           Discussion on Redistricting Resolution This resolution needs to be processed to state that the district does not plan to redistrict.

5.6           Discussion on Allowable Growth and Supplemental State Aid for Limited English Proficiency Program in the Amount of $6,240.74 Snavely discussed the allowable growth and state aid for Limited English Proficiency that will be requested from the SBRC.

5.7           Discussion on Sharing Transportation Services with Collins-Maxwell (2023-2024) Snavely discussed sharing transportation services with Collins-Maxwell beginning with the 2023-2024 school year.

5.8           Discussion on Using Simbli for Board Meeting Agendas, Minutes, & Policies Snavely presented the Board with information on a new program that will make agendas, minutes and policies easier to create, update and access.

6.              Action Agenda

            6.1           Approval of Change Order #25 Jedlicka moved to approve Change Order #25 for $4,538.00, Cutler second. Ayes: ALL Motion                            approved 6-0

6.2           Approval of ISG Additional Costs Cutler moved to approve ISG Additional Costs of $13,873.75, Fuller second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 6-0

6.3           Approval of Redistricting Resolution Jedlicka moved to approve the Redistricting Resolution, Cutler second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved. 6-0

6.4           Approval of Allowable Growth and Supplemental State Aid for Limited English Proficiency Program in the Amount of $6,240.74 Fuller moved to approve the allowable growth and supplemental state aid for Limited English Proficiency for $6,240.74, Jedlicka second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 6-0

6.5           Approval of Sharing Transportation Services with Collins-Maxwell (2023-2024) Jedlicka moved to approve sharing transportation services with Collins-Maxwell beginning with the 23-24 school year, Fuller second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 6-0

7.              Consent Agenda Cutler moved to approve the consent agenda, Jedlicka second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 6-0

                  7.1           Minutes

                  7.2           Personnel

                  7.3           Bills

                  7.4           Financials There was discussion on the PPEL amount spent in FY23 and construction costs.

8.              Board Items

8.1           Superintendent Comments Snavely discussed the Board work session on Jan 9 to work on Goals, this will be held in Colo. The 2nd car                         the board approved has been sold to someone else and the dealership is having a tough time finding a similar car.  The new bus is soon to                       be delivered.  Auditors will be onsite January 23rd.

                  8.2           Board Comments

                  8.3           Board Calendar Work session January 9, 2023 Colo Library; Next Board Meeting January 16, 2023, Zearing Elementary

9.              Adjourn McKinney moved to adjourn, Jedlicka second meeting adjourned 8:29p.m.

rfoley@colo-ne… Wed, 12/28/2022 - 12:25

Board Minutes - 2022.07.18

Board Minutes - 2022.07.18



A regular meeting was held by the Colo-NESCO Board of Education on Monday, July 18, 2022 at 6:30 pm in the Colo Media Center at Colo, Iowa.  In attendance: Joel Niemeyer, Jon Cutler, Brad Kohlwes, Justin Walker, Justin Jedlick, Katie McKinney; Staff: Marc Snavely, Brandon Kelley, Travis Owens, Kody Asmus, Paula Cady, Beth Heller, Rita Foley, Candace Sutton, Kathy Bendixen; Guests: Peggy Obrecht, Scott Bahr, EMC Insurance


1.                   Call to Order Niemeyer called the meeting to order at 6:31.  Roll Call was taken.

2.                   Approval of Agenda Cutler moved to approve the agenda, Jedlicka second.  Ayes: ALL Motion approved 6-0


3.                   Public Comments: Community member Peggy Obrecht addressed the Board regarding the cell phone policy and feels the phones are very distracting, she also addressed the dress policy and how at concerts the attire does not meet the dress policy and is not enforced.  She also addressed the fact that students are not addressing staff members by Mr., Mrs., or Ms. Obrecht feels C/N currently does not have students respecting staff members and this needs to be rectified.


4.                   Information/Discussion


4.1                EMC Insurance Presentation Scott Bahr from EMC Insurance gave an annual update regarding the increased insurance premiums, this is due to adding Builder’s Risk Policy at Zearing, and an additional bus and a worker’s compensation claim.

4.2                School Improvement Update & Computer Science Presentation Asmus, Cady and Heller presented the latest test results and new requirements from the State.

4.3                Discussion on Middle/High School Student/Parent Handbook Snavely discussed the need for enforcement of the dress code and the proposed new cell phone policy for the MS/HS that is included in the updated handbook.  He discussed the implementation of this policy which was created with input from many staff members.

4.4                Construction Update Snavely gave a brief update on construction progress, completion date for both buildings is scheduled for July 28, 2022.  There are still many items to be addressed in both buildings.  Legal counsel is working on what is causing the delays. 

4.5                Discussion on Pay App #19 to Graphite Construction Snavely discussed Pay App #19 to Graphite for $221,350.32, this app has been reviewed by ISG and legal counsel at Ahler’s & Cooney

4.6                Discussion on Change Order #21 Snavely discussed CO #21 to add framing and drywall to the height of the wall behind the ranges in the FCS room.  This would be a cost of $1558.23

4.7                Discussion on Change Order #22 Snavely discussed CO #22 which is for the cost for changes in the trash enclosure at Zearing for $3,855.30.

4.8                Discussion on Change Order #23 Snavely discussed CO #23 to move electrical outlets in Zearing in order to accommodate the new copier for a cost of $1,957.

4.9                Discussion on SBO Contract for 2022-2023 Snavely discussed the change for the SBO that C/N will now hold the contract.

4.10            Discussion on School Fees for 2022-2023 Snavely discussed the change in adult lunch prices from Iowa Dept of Ed.  The cost will now be $4.13

4.11            Discussion on Basketball Wall Mounts for Zearing Snavely discussed the need to reconfigure the basketball hoops in Zearing due to new bleachers and the HVAC system.  This cost will be $21,828.00 from H2I Group.

4.12            Discussion on Trash Enclosure for Colo Snavely requested to add a new fence as a trash enclose to the back of the Colo building at a cost of $8,388 from Door & Fence.  Niemeyer asked if there could be a locked enclosure or cameras for the fuel tanks.

4.13            Discussion on Software Monitoring for Chromebooks Snavely discussed Chromebook monitoring software for the District. The concern is the cost of the product and monitoring take priority over instruction.

4.14            Discussion on Legislative Priorities Snavely discussed the legislative priorities survey that was sent out by Rural School Advocates.  Board members discussed what they feel the priorities are for the legislative session.                

5.                   Action Agenda:


5.1                Approval of Middle/High School Student/Parent Handbook Kohlwes moved to approve the MS/HS handbook, Jedlicka second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 6-0

5.2                Approval of Pay App #19 to Graphite Construction Jedlicka moved to approve Pay App #19 to Graphite Construction for $221.350.32, McKinney second.  Ayes: 4 Nayes: Cutler, Kohlwes Motion approved 4-2

5.3                Approval of Change Order #21 Cutler moved to approve change order #21 for $1558.23, Jedlicka second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 6-0

5.4                Approval of Change Order #22 Cutler moved to approve change order #22 for $3,855.30, Jedlicka second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 6-0

5.5                Approval of Change Order #23 Cutler moved to approve change order #23 for $1,957, Jedlicka second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 6-0

5.6                Approval of SBO Contract for 2022-2023 Cutler moved to approve the contract for SBO, Jedlicka second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 6-0

5.7                Approval of School Fees for 2022-2023 Jedlicka moved to approve school fees for 2022-23, Cutler second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 6-0

5.8                Approval of Basketball Wall Mounts for Zearing Cutler moved to approve reconfiguring the basketball hoops in Zearing by H2I Group for $21,828.00, Jedlicka second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 6-0

5.9                Approval of Trash Enclosure for Colo Cutler moved to approve trash enclosure by Door & Fence for $8,388, Jedlicka second.  Ayes: ALL Motion approved 6-0

6.                   Consent Agenda: Cutler moved to approve the consent agenda, Jedlicka second

                         6.1                Minutes (June 20, 2022)

                        6.2                Bills

                        6.3                Personnel

7.                   Board Items  


7.1                Superintendent Comments We have not received any bids for auditors for 22-23 school year, the new SBO is working on finding someone.  Nevada is looking at trading our LP bus for a Diesel bus

7.2                Board Comments

7.3                Board Calendar Next board meeting August 8 at 6:00 in Zearing for a work session to review construction progress.

8.                   Adjourn Kohlwes moved to adjourn the meeting, Cutler second.  Meeting adjourned at 9:01p.m.

rfoley@colo-ne… Tue, 08/30/2022 - 12:40

Board Minutes - 2022.08.08

Board Minutes - 2022.08.08



A special board meeting was held by the Colo-NESCO Board of Education on Monday, August 8, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. starting in the Colo-NESCO Elementary School located at 407 N. Center Street, Zearing, IA. In attendance: Joel Niemeyer, Jon Cutler, Justin Jedlicka, Brad Kohlwes, Justin Walker, Katie McKinney, John Fuller.  Staff: Marc Snavely, Bill Lytle, Travis Owens, Brandon Kohlwes, Sherri Ruzek, Rita Foley. Guests: Bradley Beaman, Ahlers & Cooney, (virtual) Nicole Keller, legal counsel ISG, (virtual) Nathan Compton, ISG (virtual)


1.                   Call to Order Niemeyer called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m.

2.                   Approval of Agenda Fuller moved to approve the agenda, Jedlicka second.  Motion approved.                                            

3.                   Public Comments: There were no public comments                      

4.                   Information/Discussion:

4.1                Tour to View Construction Progress in Zearing The board toured Zearing Elementary

                        4.2                Tour to View Construction Progress in Colo The board moved to tour Colo MS/HS.

4.3                Discussion on Construction Progress in Both Colo & Zearing There was discussion regarding the status of the project and the balance due versus having enough left to cover liquidated damages. Graphite has filed a claim asking for more time which is pending adjudication to justify these delays.  It will be up to ISG to make the determination of extended days, if any. There was discussion on the lack of work that has been done and the quality of work.                      

Cutler moved to closed session, Jedlicka second.  Roll call, moved to closed session at 8:10.  Fuller moved to return to open session, second Jedlicka. Roll call moved to open session at 9:02.

The board made a list of items that need to be completed within 7 days.  Legal counsel will send this list to Graphite stating we will complete the work due to failure to perform and terminate the contract if not completed.  Items include: Bathrooms in Zearing, Locker Rooms in Zearing, Entry Way at Zearing, Playground at Zearing, Colo Bathrooms, Zearing Concrete Floor, CLEAN everything.  There was discussion on the upcoming pay app and talking with ISG regarding the balance due and retainage. The Board will issue a 10 day notice for cleaning and wall repair to Graphite.  Snavely will contact legal counsel to have the stay lifted.

                        4.4                Discussion on Possibly Selling Elevator Driveshaft in Zearing (Page 5) Tabled due to time

4.5                Discussion on Junior High Football-Low Numbers for Fall of 2022 Owens discussed the low numbers for MS football, there are only 9 students out at this time.  Owens has talked with Collins Maxwell regarding sharing the MS football program.

                        4.6                Discussion on Employee Handbook Snavely discussed the employee handbook updates.

4.7                Discussion on Audit Proposal for Fiscal Year 2022, 2023, & 2024 Ruzek discussed audit proposal for the next three years.

                        4.8                Discussion on Foreign Exchange Student Request Snavely discussed a request from a Foreign Exchange Student.

4.9                Discussion on Sharing Special Education Director w/Nevada Snavely discussed sharing a Special Education Director with Nevada.

4.10            Discussion on Sharing a 5-12 Art Teacher w/Nevada Snavely discussed sharing a 5-12 Art Teacher with Nevada due to being unable to hire a full time teacher.

                        4.11            Discussion on Putting a Fence Around the Gas Pumps in Colo Tabled due to time

                        4.12            Discussion on Purchasing Furniture for the Art Room & Entrance Area in Zearing Tabled due to time

                        4.13            Discussion on Purchasing Window Graphics for Colo Tabled due to time

                        4.14            Discussion on Making Adjustments to Main Basketball Hoops in Zearing Tabled due to time            

5.                   Action Agenda:         

5.1                Approval of Employee Handbook Cutler moved to approve the employee handbook, Jedlicka second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 7-0

5.2                Approval of Audit Proposal for Fiscal Year 2022, 2023, & 2024 Fuller moved to approve the audit proposal from Schrurr & Company, LLP $9,500 in 2022, $9750 in 2023, $10,000 in 2024, Jedlicka second.  Ayes:  ALL Motion approved 7-0.

5.3                Approval of Foreign Exchange Student Request McKinney moved to approve the Foreign Exchange Student request, Jedlicka second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 7-0

5.4                Approval of Sharing Special Education Director w/Nevada Cutler moved to approve sharing a Special Education Director with Nevada, Fuller second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 7-0

5.5                Approval of Sharing 5-12 Art Teacher w/Nevada Fuller moved to approve sharing 5-12 Art Teacher with Nevada at a cost of $24,000, McKinney second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 7-0.

5.6                Approval of Putting a Fence Around the Gas Pumps in Colo Item Tabled

5.7                Approval of Purchasing Furniture for the Art Room & Entrance Area in Zearing Item tabled

5.8                Approval of Purchasing Window Graphics for Colo Item tabled

5.9                Approval of Making Adjustments to Main Basketball Hoops in Zearing Item tabled

6.                   Consent Agenda: Cutler moved to approve the consent agenda, Fuller second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 7-0

                        6.1                Minutes (July 18th Regular Meeting)

                        6.2                Personnel

7.                   Board Items

7.1                Superintendent Comments Snavely suggested waiting on the PPEL meeting until we are further along with the construction issues. The Board asked to have a work session in September/October.

                        7.2                Board Comments

                        7.3                Board Calendar  Next meeting Monday, August 15, 2022


8.                   Adjourn Kohlwes moved to adjourn, Cutler second.  Meeting adjourned at 9:50.


rfoley@colo-ne… Tue, 08/30/2022 - 12:47

Board Minutes - 2022.09.13

Board Minutes - 2022.09.13



Special Board Meeting Agenda

1.                   Call to Order Jon Cutler called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. In attendance were board members: Jon Cutler, Katy McKinney, Justin Walker, Justin Jedlicka, and Brad Kohlwes. Jedlicka left at 6:45 p.m. Joel Niemeyer and John Fuller were absent. Also present, Marc Snavely, Superintendent/Elementary Principal; Sherri Ruzek, School Business Official; Bill Lytle, Maintenance/Building & Grounds Director; Brandon Kelley, 5-12 Principal; and Travis Owens, Activities Director.

2.                   Approval of Agenda Jedlicka moved to approve the agenda, McKinney second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 5-0.                                          

3.                   Information/Discussion

                        3.1      Discuss Bids for Rebuilding Baseball Dugout & Replacing Concession Stand Roof in Zearing Snavely presented the two bids from Marlin Beard and Porter and Atwood Construction. The hope is to get materials ordered as soon as possible  and get these repairs completed before winter. This is a result of storm damage and will be covered by insurance.

4.                   Action Agenda

                        4.1   Approve Bid for Rebuilding Baseball Dugout & Replacing Concession Stand Roof in Zearing McKinney moved to  approve the lowest bid from Marlin Beard for $13,898. Jedlicka second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 5-0                        

5.                   Consent Agenda Jedlicka moved to approve the consent agenda, Walker second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 5-0.

                        5.1                Personnel Jessica Watson (Associate-Zearing)

6.                   PPEL Planning The Board and Administration used a projection model and discussed items on the model that are reoccurring every year and also mapped out projects that will be done in the next several years. Some immediate needs were discussed and will be placed on upcoming board agendas once bids are collected. This will be fine-tuned more once we get the construction project done.

7.                   Adjourn Motion by Kohlwes to adjourn, Walker second. Ayes: ALL Motion Approved 4-0. Meeting was adjourned at 8:17 p.m.

rfoley@colo-ne… Fri, 09/16/2022 - 08:05

Board Minutes - 2022.09.19

Board Minutes - 2022.09.19

                                  COLO-NESCO COMMUNITY SCHOOL


A regular monthly board meeting was held by the Colo-NESCO Board of Education on Monday, September 19, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. in the Colo-NESCO Middle/High School Media Center located at 919 West Street, Colo, IA.


1.  Call to Order Niemeyer called the meeting to order at 6:30.  In attendance were board members: Joel Niemeyer, Jon Cutler, Katy McKinney, Justin Walker, Justin Jedlicka, John Fuller, Brad Kohlwes.  Also present: Marc Snavely, Superintendent/Elementary Principal Sherri Ruzek, SBO, Bill Lytle, Maintenance, Brandon Kelley 5-12 Principal, Rita Foley Board Secretary, Mike Boeve, Dean of Students; Other:  Bradley Beaman, Ahler’s and Cooney, Kelly & Anna Sheets, Angie Dunlap, Todd Frohwein, (students)

2.               Approval of Agenda Jedlicka moved to approve the agenda with the addition of an FFA trip request, Kohlwes second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 7-0                               

3.               Public Comments: Kelly and Anna Sheets discussed wanting to raise funds for a new all weather track for the HS.  The Board discussed moving forward with getting some cost ideas to look at moving further with this project.  Angie Dunlap represented the class of 2021.  Due to covid they were not able to have a prom, they have money available and would like to donate a picnic table/bench in honor of Mrs. Pillman a former teacher at Zearing.            

4.               Information/Discussion:             

4.1            Construction Update Snavely gave an update on the construction projects in Zearing and Colo. 

                 Cutler moved to go to closed session, Fuller second.  Ayes: All Moved to closed session at 6:46

Closed Session in pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 21-5(1)(c) to discuss strategy with counsel in matters that are presently in litigation or where litigation is imminent where its disclosure would be likely to prejudice or disadvantage the position of the governmental body in that litigation.

                 Jedlicka moved to return to open session, Fuller second. Ayes: All returned to open session at 6:52

4.1a          FFA Overnight trip FFA students requested permission from the Board to attend the National Convention in Indianapolis.  At this time there are seven students that are planning to attend. 

                    4.2            Discussion on Storm Damage in Zearing Snavely reported on the storm damage update in Zearing to the truck.

4.3            Discussion/Update on 5-12 Cell Phone Policy Boeve gave an update on the cell phone policy and the violations to date.  Currently there have been no 2nd offenses.  Boeve also mentioned there have been a couple dress code violations that have been addressed.

4.4            Discussion/Update on Dean of Students Position Boeve gave an update on the Dean of Students position.  Boeve is spending afternoons in Zearing and is seeing progress in Zearing and all day Monday and mornings in Colo.  The MS/HS is starting a student advisory committee to involve students.

4.5            Discussion on a Staff Member Requesting Coursework for Bus Licensure Snavely discussed sending a staff member to the Bus licensure training in Mason City

4.6            Discussion on School Safety Grant Snavely discussed the School Safety Grant.  Snavely recommends having the vulnerability study done.  The concern is the study will show more needs to be done regardless that the grant is only $50,000 per building.

4.7            Discussion on Fundraising Forms Snavely discussed the fundraising applications brought to the Board: FCCLA – coffee, smoothies, baked goods; FCCLA-Haunted High School; Band-Free Will donations; Band – Butterbraids; FFA – BBQ/Cook off; JH/HS Baseball & Softball –Cookie DoughThere was discussion on the timeliness of the requests being approved after the fundraiser has been completed.

                  4.8            Discussion on Early Graduation Request Snavely discussed the early graduation request

4.9            Discussion on Open Enrollment Requests (Into Colo-NESCO) Snavely discussed the open enrollment forms into the District.

4.10          Discussion on Railing System for Zearing Entrance Area Snavely discussed the bids for the new railing system in Zearing from Sam Cady for $6500.

4.11          Discussion on New Softball Batting Cage in McCallsburg Snavely discussed the new softball batting cage in McCallsburg at a cost of $27350.

4.12          Discussion on Board Policy (800 Series)-1st Reading Snavely discussed the board policies that are up for review.  Fuller suggested increasing Snavely’s spending authority from the current $5,000 without Board approval.  Fuller questioned the time frame for storing video from our bus cameras to help select the option for policy 804.6 R(1) that is a new policy this year.  

5.               Action Agenda:       


5.1            Approval of Staff Member Doing Coursework for Bus Licensure Cutler moved to approve sending staff member to Mason City for bus licensure, Kohlwes second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 7-0

5.1a          FFA Overnight Trip Fuller moved to approve the FFA trip to Indianapolis for National Convention, Walker second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 7-0

                     5.2            Approval of Fundraising Forms Fuller moved to approve all fundraisers as presented, Jedlicka second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 7-0

5.3            Approval of Early Graduation Request Jedlicka moved to approve the application for early graduation, Walker second. Ayes: 5 (Jedlicka, Niemeyer, McKinney, Fuller, Walker) Nay: 2 (Cutler, Kohlwes) Motion approved 5-2

5.4            Approval of Open Enrollment Requests (Into Colo-NESCO) Fuller moved to approve open enrollment applications, Walker second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 7-0

5.5            Approval of Railing System for Zearing Entrance Area Kohlwes moved to approve the railing system for the Zearing entrance by Sam Cady for $6500, Cutler second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 7-0

5.6            Approval of New Softball Batting Cage in McCallsburg Kohlwes moved to approve the purchase and installation of softball batting cage in McCallsburg at a cost of $27,350, Jedlicka second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 7-0

6.               Consent Agenda: Fuller moved to approve the consent agenda, cutler second. Ayes: All Motion approved 7-0


                  6.1            Minutes

                  6.2            Personnel Heidemann lane change

                  6.3            Bills

6.4            Financials Ruzek reported that next meeting the auditors will present the audit report.  She also updated the Board on financial reports.


7.               Board Items


7.1            Superintendent Comments Snavely said he will bring early retirement to the Board next week and we will have the final review of the 800 series.  Snavely discussed that we will need to purchase a different vehicle to transport a student but we need to find a vehicle where a shield can be installed between front and back seat.

7.2            Board Comments Fuller reported on the special delegate assembly to amend the bylaws.  The bylaws were changed so IASB is not required to be a member of the national boards.  Jedlicka commented that he would like to see the track project keep going forward while there is enthusiasm.

                  7.3            Board Calendar Next Board meeting is October 17, 2022 at 6:30 in Zearing.


8.               Adjourn Kohlwes moved to adjourn the meeting, Walker second.  Ayes: ALL Meeting adjourned at 8:09 p.m.

rfoley@colo-ne… Tue, 09/20/2022 - 15:03

Board Minutes - 2022.11.21

Board Minutes - 2022.11.21

                                                                       COLO-NESCO COMMUNITY SCHOOL


A regular monthly board meeting was held by the Colo-NESCO Board of Education on Monday, November 21, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. in the Zearing Conference Room located at 407 North Center Street.  Present: Joel Neimeyer, Jon Cutler, John Fuller, Justin Jedlicka, Justin Walker, Katy McKinney, Brad Kohlwes; Staff: Marc Snavely, Rita Foley, Sherri Ruzek (virtual), Bill Lytle, Travis Owens (7:41); Guests: Todd Frohwein, Callie Kohlwes, Katie Rouse, Jadyn Niemeyer, Kaleb Gray, Jackson Wonders

                                                                                       REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING AGENDA

1.              Call to Order Niemeyer called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

2.              Roll Call Roll call was held

3.              Approval of Agenda Fuller moved to approve the agenda, Jedlicka second.  Ayes: ALL Motion approved 7-0

4.              Public Comments: There were no public comments

5.              Approval of Board Minutes (October 17th, 2022) Fuller moved to approve the minutes from 10/17/22, Jedlicka second.  Ayes: ALL Minutes approved 7-0

6.              Adjournment of Retiring Board Cutler moved to adjourn the meeting, Kohlwes second. Meeting adjourned at 6:31.

7.              Call to Order Secretary Foley called the meeting to order at 6:31

8.              Roll Call roll call was held

9.              Board Organization

9.1           Election of Board President & Oath Joel Niemeyer was nominated for president by McKinney, second Cutler. Ayes: ALL 7-0 Secretary Foley issued the oath of office to Niemeyer.

9.2           Election of Board Vice-President & Oath Jon Cutler was nominated by McKinney, Walker second. Ayes: ALL 7-0 Secretary Foley issued the oath of office to Cutler

9.3           Establish Board Calendar & Meeting Dates There was discussion that McCallsburg is not handicap accessible.  Cutler moved to continue having meetings on the 3rd Monday of the month with 6 months (October – March) in Zearing and 6 months (April – September), Fuller second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 7-0

9.4           Approve Appointment of Board Members to Committees There was discussion regarding the committees, McKinney was added to Vocational Ag  Fuller moved to approve committee assignments as submitted, Jedlicka second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 7-0

9.5           Approve Bank Depository Cutler moved to approve State Bank & Trust Co for up to $5,000,000 Walker second.  Ayes: ALL Motion approved 7-0

9.6           Approve Appointment of Legal Counsel Cutler moved to approve Ahler’s & Cooney for the District Law Firm, Fuller second. Ayes: 6 No: Jedlicka Motion approved 6-1

9.7           Approve Appointment of Newspaper Publication Cutler moved to appoint Mid Iowa Enterprise as the newspaper of record for the District, Kohlwes second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 7-0

10.           Information/Discussion

10.1        FFA National Convention Update FFA students gave a short recap of the experience they had at the National Convention in Indianapolis.

10.2        Discussion on FFA & FCCLA Fundraiser Requests FFA & FCCLA students explained the fundraiser requests to sell ice cream, bake sale items at basketball games and Music Concerts and to have Chuck A Duck at Basketball games.  There was discussion on needing a gambling license and how to obtain one.

10.3        Construction Progress Update Snavely gave a construction progress update, there is very little happening at this time. 

10.4        Discussion/Update on Colo Roof Snavely gave an update on the Colo roof.  The roof is now secure until the next rain that tests it. 

10.5        Discussion/Update on Flooring in the Zearing Entrance Area Snavely gave an update on the Zearing entrance where water had leaked in.  The leak is believed to have come from the windows, Orning claims to have caulked, but will not know until the next hard rain.  Niemeyer discussed how the entry floor looks unfinished.  It has been measured for carpet to cover up the tile.

10.6        Discussion/Update on Cost Estimate for Track in Colo Snavely reported on the cost estimate for the Track in Colo as provided by ISG which is just about $1.2 million.  This is probably beyond fundraising and will need to wait until SAVE money is freed up or another Bond Issue. Jedlicka asked if it was possible to get a bond through for a track, concession stand and press box.  This would probably double the amount needed for the project. The Board does not want this project to die and wants to keep pushing forward with the project.

10.7        Discussion on Purchasing a New Car Snavely discussed purchasing a Malibu to transport students to Ft Dodge/Woodward from George White Chevrolet for $20,543.

10.8        Discussion on SBRC Application (Open Enrollment Out) Snavely presented the SBRC application regarding students that were open enrolled out for the amount of $130,808.70.

10.9        Discussion on SBRC Application (LEP Instruction Beyond 5 Years) Snavely presented the SBRC application for Limited English Proficient students beyond 5 years for the amount of $3,113.46.

10.10     Discussion on Offering Stipend for ESL Services Snavely discussed changing our process of paying the English Second Language Instructor a stipend rather than the current hourly rate being paid. This stipend would be for $6000.

10.11     Discussion on Iowa Local Government Risk Pool FY 24 Participation Agreement Snavely discussed the Iowa Local Government Risk Pool FY25 Participation Agreement to lock in our natural gas prices.  This agreement will cost $133,763.50 that will be paid through the Management Fund.

10.12     Discussion on Colo-NESCO Director Redistricting Snavely discussed the need to consider redrawing the electoral districts to equalize population between districts after the decennial census.  Since we are within the 10% allowance we are not required to make this change, but we could.  The deadline to make this change with the Secretary of State is May 15, 2023.

10.13     Discussion on Not Allowing Buses to Cross District Lines to Pick-Up/Drop-Off Students Snavely discussed that Nevada has been allowed to cross into the Colo-NESCO district for many years to pick up students near Fernald and students at Country Living Trailer Park.  Students would need to provide their own transportation to Nevada.  There was discussion on when this should be made effective.

10.14     Discussion on Shared Technology Director Agreement w/Collins-Maxwell Snavely updated that Colo-NESCO will be sharing a technology director with Collins-Maxwell beginning January 1, 2023 Colo-NESCO will pay 20% of salary, FICA and IPERS, and other benefits.  Collins-Maxwell will hold the contract and provide the benefits.  The District will need to contract with BDI for other services such as being sure the server does not fail.

10.15     Discussion on Board Goals Snavely discussed the Board Goals that were set last year and the progress that has been made on these goals. Snavely asked if these goals should be changed.  There was discussion about publicizing the goals more. Cutler discussed the possibility of a goal regarding open enrollment and declining enrollment. Niemeyer discussed the need for a goal regarding culture and replacing the communication goal. There was discussion on forming a committee to generate new goals. Culture, staff retention and open enrollment are what the focus should be for goals.

10.16     Discussion on Offering Early Retirement Snavely discussed the possibility of offering early retirement to any teachers that are eligible.

10.17     Discussion on Policy Primers Snavely discussed the Policy Primers that were put out by IASB. There are many new policies in this set that are required by Iowa code.  Textbooks will be reviewed every 5 years policy 605.1.

10.18     Discussion on Board Policy-800 Series (2nd Reading) This is the 2nd reading of the 800 series of policies that need to be reviewed. Policy 804.6 will be randomly reviewed and the video recycled every 30 days. Policy 802.2 raising the Superintendent spending authority without Board approval to $7,000.

11.           Action Agenda

11.1        Approval of FFA & FCCLA Fundraiser Requests Fuller moved to approve the FFA & FCCLA fundraiser requests as presented, McKinney second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 7-0

11.2        Approval of Purchasing a New Car Kohlwes moved to approve a car from George White for $20,543, Walker second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 7-0

11.3        Approval of SBRC Application (Open-Enrollment Out) Fuller moved to approve the SBRC Application of Open Enrollment for $130,808.70, Jedlicka second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 7-0

11.4        Approval of SBRC Application (LEP Instruction Beyond 5 Years) Fuller moved to approve the SBRC Application for LEP Instruction beyond 5 years for $3113.46, Jedlicka second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 7-0

11.5        Approval of Offering a Stipend for ESL Services Kohlwes moved to approve offering a stipend for ESL Services for $6000/year, Cutler second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 7-0

11.6        Approval of Iowa Local Government Risk Pool FY 24 Participation Agreement Cutler moved to approve the participation agreement with Iowa Local Government Risk Pool at a cost of $133,763.50 to be paid through the Management fund, Jedlicka second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 7-0

11.7        Approval of Colo-NESCO Director Redistricting no motion

11.8        Approval of Not Allowing Buses to Cross District Lines to Pick-Up/Drop Off Students Kohlwes moved to approve closing down the district boarders and not allow other district buses to cross into the Colo-NESCO district effective January 1, 2023, Fuller second.  Ayes: ALL Motion approved 7-0

11.9        Approval of Shared Technology Agreement w/Collins-Maxwell Jedlicka moved to approve the sharing agreement with Collins Maxwell regarding Technology, McKinney second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved

11.10     Approval of Board Goals No motion

11.11     Approval of Offering Early Retirement Cutler moved to approve offering early retirement to teachers who qualify with the same benefit as previous years, Jedlicka second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 7-0

11.12     Approval of Policy Primers Fuller moved to approve the policy primer as presented noting textbooks will be reviewed every 5 years, Jedlicka second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 7-0

11.13     Approval of Board Policy-800 Series (2nd Reading) Fuller moved to approve the 2nd reading of the 800 series noting that video will be reviewed as necessary on school buses and recycled every 30 days, and increasing Supt. Spending authority to $7,000, Jedlicka second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 7-0

12.           Consent Agenda Cutler moved to approve the consent agenda with the additional resignation, Fuller second. Ayes: ALL Consent Agenda approved 7-0

                  12.1        Personnel

                  12.2        Bills

                  12.3        Financials Ruzek discussed the financial reports.

13.           Board Items

             13.1        Superintendent Comments

                  13.2        Board Comments Walker thanked Snavely for all his work on the Day Care Grant.

                  13.3        Board Calendar Next meeting will be held in Zearing on December 19, 2022

14.           Adjourn Kohlwes moved to adjourn, Jedlicka second.  Meeting adjourned 8:53 p.m.

rfoley@colo-ne… Mon, 11/28/2022 - 08:28

Board Minutes - 2023.01.09

Board Minutes - 2023.01.09




A board work session was held by the Colo-NESCO Board of Education on Monday, January 9, 2023, at 5:30 p.m. in the Colo Middle/High School Library at Colo, Iowa. Present: Joel Niemeyer, Justin Walker, Justin Jedlicka, Katy McKinney, John Fuller, Jon Cutler; Staff: Marc Snavely, Superintendent/Elementary Principal; Guest: Lou Ann Gvist, Iowa Association of School Boards; Absent: Brad Kohlwes


  1. Call to Order Niemeyer called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m.
  2. Roll Call Niemeyer held the roll call
  3. Approval of the Agenda Fuller moved to approve the agenda, Jedlicka second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 6-0.
  4. Board Goal Setting Facilitated by the Iowa Association of School Boards (IASB) Lou Ann Gvist, from the Iowa Association of School Boards, was on-site to discuss current board goals. At the end of this workshop, the following goal areas were established: Student Learning and Achievement; District Culture (positive, collaborative, and supportive); and Resource Management. These goals areas will be further defined by the Administrative Team and then taken back to the Board for approval. A discussion was also held on how the Iowa Standards for School Leaders tie into these goal areas, and a discussion was held on what the Superintendent Evaluation will look like this spring.
  5. Superintendent Updates None
  6. Adjourn Fuller moved to adjourn, Jedlicka second meeting adjourned at 7:29 p.m.


rfoley@colo-ne… Thu, 01/19/2023 - 10:14

Board Minutes - 2023.01.16

Board Minutes - 2023.01.16



The regular meeting was  held by the Colo-NESCO Board of Education on January 16th, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. in the Zearing Elementary Conference Room, Zearing, Iowa.  Present: Joel Niemeyer, Jon Cutler, Brad Kowhles, Justin Jedlicka, Justin Walker, Katy McKinney, John Fuller; Staff: Marc Snavely, Bill Lytle, Travis Owens, Brandon Kelley, Sherri Ruzek (virtually), Rita Foley (virtually); Guests: Peggy Obrecht, Dave Obrecht


1.              Call to Order Niemeyer called the meeting to order at 6:30

2.              Approval of Agenda Cutler moved to approve the agenda, Fuller second. Agenda approved.

3.              Public Comments: There were no public comments

4.              Information/Discussion:

4.1           Construction Update Snavely gave an update on the progress of the construction project, a pre punch list has been compiled.  Many of the subcontractors have completed all their items.  There are basically architectural issues that need to be completed.  There are some issues where Graphite feels the items have been completed, but we do not feel they are. Snavely also gave the Board a list of the disputed items.

4.2            Discussion on Fundraiser Requests Snavely presented the fundraiser requests from FCCLA and FFA

4.3            Discussion on Amended Service Agreement with DMACC Snavely discussed the amended service agreement with DMACC with the increased rates. This is a 3 year agreement.

4.4            Discussion on Request to the School Budget Review Committee for Modified Supplemental Amount  and Supplemental State Aid for the 2023-2024 Dropout Prevention Program in the amount of $83,934 for expenditures necessary to implement the 2023-2024 At-Risk and Dropout Prevention Programs Snavely discussed the request for supplemental state aid for the 23-24 Dropout Prevention Program.

4.5            Discussion on Garage Doors for the New Zearing Bus Garage Snavely discussed the bids for the garage doors for the Zearing bus garage. The garage is scheduled to be built in March.  Lytle discussed the difference in prices is the insulation amount. 

4.6            Discussion on Board Policy-900 Series (900-904.2)-1st Reading Snavely presented the Board Policies for 1st Reading.

5.              Action Agenda:

5.1           Approval of Fundraiser Requests Fuller moved to approve the FCCLA fundraisers of popcorn bags and sugar cookies and the FCCLA/FFA fundraiser of strawberries, Jedlicka second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 7-0 

5.2           Approval of Amended Service Agreement with DMACC McKinney moved to approve the amended service agreement with DMACC, Jedlicka second. Ayes: ALL. Motion approved 7-0

5.3           Approval of the Request to the School Budget Review Committee for Modified Supplemental Amount and Supplemental State Aid for the 2023-2024 Dropout Prevention Program in the amount of $83,934 for expenditures necessary to implement the 2023-2024 At-Risk and Dropout Prevention Program Cutler moved to approve the Modified Supplemental Amount and Supplemental State Aid for the 23-24 Dropout Prevention Program in the amount of $83,934, Jedlicka second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 7-0.

5.4           Approval of Garage Doors for the New Zearing Bus Garage Kohlwes moved to approve garage doors for the new Zearing bus garage purchased from Overhead Doors for $34,828, Jedlicka second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 7-0

6.              Consent Agenda: moved to approve the consent agreement, second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 7-0

                  6.1            Minutes

                  6.2            Bills 

                  6.3            Financials Ruzek discussed the PPEL, SAVE accounts and the monthly financials.

                  6.4            Personnel Williams - Early retirement; Resignation:  N. Ronnfeldt - Fall Play, Backous, Jurgens

                                    Hired: Jamey Vanderhayden - Asst. Cross Country

7.              Board Items   

7.1           Superintendent Comments Daycare topic is still being looked at.  Snavely is meeting with the Ames Chamber of Commerce and YSS next week.  YSS is still very interested in getting this program up and running.  Many legislative items have been sent to the Board, please contact any of our representatives regarding the vouchers which could include Home Schooling.

7.2           Board Comments Fuller commented on the damage that could be done to rural school districts through the bills that have been introduced so far.  Niemeyer commented on the goal setting meeting that was held.

7.3            Board Calendar Next Board meeting is February 20, 2023 in Zearing.

8.              Adjourn Kohlwes moved to adjourn the meeting, Jedlicka second. Meeting adjourned at 7:40.

rfoley@colo-ne… Thu, 01/19/2023 - 10:17

Board Minutes - 2023.02.20

Board Minutes - 2023.02.20


                                                             BOARD OF EDUCATION

The regular meeting was held by the Colo-NESCO Board of Education on February 20, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. in the Zearing Elementary Conference Room, Zearing, Iowa.  Board Members: Joel Niemeyer, Jon Cutler, John Fuller (virtual), Justin Jedlicka, Justin Walker, Brad Kohlwes, Katy McKinney (6:33); Staff: Marc Snavely, Rita Foley, Bill Lytle, Travis Owens, Kelsie Engelken, Ken Leighty, Sheri Ruzek (virtual), Brandon Kelley; Guests: Katie Rouse, student, Annabelle Heller, student, Sydney Ingle, student


1.              Call to Order meeting was called to order at 6:32

2.              Approval of Agenda Cutler moved to approve the agenda, Jedlicka second. Ayes: ALL Agenda approved 7-0                                  

3.              Public Comments: There were no public comments                

4.              Information/Discussion:

                 4.1 Discussion on Out of State Trip Request-FCCLA Students discussed the out of state trip the FCCLA would like to take to a trip  to Denver Colorado.  They would like to attend the conference to network with other FCCLA chapters.

                  4.2 Transportation Update Leighty gave an update on the needs of the transportation department and the need to change the current van which has a barrier to a lower mileage van that the barrier can be traded to which is needed to transport a student to Woodward.   Bus 15 (2015) continues to have many issues, Leighty discussed the need to order a new bus.  Bus 2 needs to be put out of service, it was not inspected due to it not running.

4.3 Discussion on Purchasing a 2018 Dodge Grand Caravan Leighty discussed buying a 2015 Dodge Caravan from Smart Honda of Des Moines for $18,172.

                  4.4 Winter Data Presentation Tabled until March 2023

                  4.5 Discussion on a Request to Add Memorial Benches in Colo Kelley discussed that Christian Oswalt’s family would like to place memorial benches in Colo.  They would like to place four benches on the sidewalk as you walk into the gym entrance in Colo.

     4.6 Discussion on Fundraising Efforts to Build a New Track Snavely discussed the next steps in possibly building a track.  He wanted input from the Board.  The estimate is approximately $1.2 million for the project.  The Board feels now is the time to move forward while there is interest in the community to fundraise.  An architect needs to be brought in to begin with designs.

                  4.7 Construction Update Lytle updated the board on the construction project.  There are quite a few disputed items from Graphite.

                  4.8 Discussion on ISG Invoice for Additional Services Snavely discussed the invoice from ISG in the amount of $11,795.00.  This is for reviewing and finalizing punch list items. 

                  4.9 Consider Hiring a Construction Manager Snavely asked that we table this discussion until next month.

4.10 Discussion on Athletic Fundraiser Request Owens discussed the annual Baseball/Softball/Athletic Department Fundraiser selling beef sticks.

                  4.11 Discussion on Golf Sharing Agreement with Collins-Maxwell Owens discussed renewing the sharing agreement with Collins-Maxwell for Golf, practices and meets will be held at Twin Anchors.

4.12 Discussion on Soccer Sharing Agreement with West Marshall, Colfax-Mingo, Collins-Maxwell, and Baxter Owens discussed renewing the sharing agreement with West Marshall, Colfax-Mingo, Collins-Maxwell, and Baxter for soccer, practices will be in Collins and games in State Center.

                  4.13 Discussion on John Deere Lease Agreements Lytle discussed the lease agreements for 3 mowers ($3750), Gator and tractor rental ($4920) for next year with VanWall.

                  4.14 Discussion of Offering Summer School for Students in Grades K-6 Snavely discussed offering a summer school program for students in grades K-6.  There is ESSER money left to spend which will cover the cost.

                  4.15 Discussion on Draft Calendar for 2023-2024 School Year Snavely presented the draft calendar for 2023-24.  A public hearing will need to be held at the March meeting.

                4.16 Discussion on a Family’s Request to Host a Foreign Exchange Student (2023-2024 School Year) Kelley discussed that a family would like to host a foreign exchange student from France for the 23-24 school year.

                  4.17 Discussion on IASB Policy Primers Snavely discussed the Primers that were issued from IASB.  Information is needed for one of the policies so it will be brought to the March meeting.

                  4.18 Discussion on Board Policy-900 Series (2nd Reading) There was no discussion on the 2nd reading of these policies.

4.19 Discussion on Changes to Board Policy-710.4 (Negative Balances) Snavely presented the new policy for Nutrition negative balances that is required from the Nutrition Audit that was recently held.  There was discussion on how to handle the negative balances.         

5.              Action Agenda:

           5.1 Approval of Out of State Trip Request-FCCLA Jedlicka moved to approve the FCCLA trip to Denver, Colorado in July, McKinney                   second.  Ayes: All Motion approved 7-0

                  5.2 Approval of Purchasing a 2018 Dodge Grand Caravan Cutler moved to approve the purchase of the 2018 Dodge Grand Caravan for $18,172 from Smart Honda of Des Moines, Jedlicka second.  Ayes: ALL Motion approved 7-0

                  5.3 Approval of Adding Memorial Benches in Colo McKinney moved to approve adding memorial benches in Colo, Jedlicka second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 7-0

                  5.4 Approval of ISG Invoice for Additional Services Fuller moved to approve ISG invoice for $11,795 for additional services, Jedlicka second.  Ayes: 5 Nayes: 2 (Kohlwes, Walker) Motion approved 5-2

                  5.5 Approval of Hiring a Construction Manager Cutler moved to table until March

5.6 Approval of Athletic Fundraiser Request Jedlicka moved to approve the Athletic Fundraiser, Walker second. Ayes: ALL 7-0

5.7 Approval of Golf Sharing Agreement with Collins-Maxwell McKinney moved to approve golf sharing agreement with Collins-Maxwell, Cutler second.  Ayes: ALL 7-0

5.8 Approval of Soccer Sharing Agreement with West Marshall, Colfax-Mingo, Collins-Maxwell, & Baxter Cutler moved to approve the soccer sharing agreement, Fuller second. Ayes: ALL 7-0

                  5.9 Approval of John Deere Lease Agreements Cutler moved to approve the John Deere Lease Agreements for $3750 for 3 mowers and $4920 for a Gator and tractor, Jedlicka second. Ayes: ALL 7-0

5.10 Approval of Offering Summer School for Students in Grades K-6 McKinney moved to approve offering summer school for grades K-6, Jedlicka second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 7-0

5.11 Set Calendar Hearing (2023-2024 School Year) Cutler moved to set a public hearing for the 23-24 for March 20, 2023, Jedlicka second.  Ayes: ALL Motion approved 7-0

5.12 Approval of Family’s Request to Host a Foreign Exchange Student (2023-2024 School Year) Jedlicka moved to approve the Foreign Exchange Student for 23-24 school year, McKinney second.  Ayes: ALL 7-0

                  5.13 Approval of IASB Policy Primers Fuller moved to approve the IASB Policy Primers except for 701.05 R(1) which will be brought to the March meeting, Cutler second.  Ayes: ALL Motion approved 7-0

5.14 Approval of Board Policy-900 Series (2nd Reading) Fuller moved to approve the 2nd reading of policies, Walker second.  Ayes: ALL Motion approved 7-0

5.15 Approval of Changes to Board Policy-710.4 (Negative Balances) Jedlicka moved to approve policy 710.4, with letters sent with strong wording under $200, then to collections after $200, Walker second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 7-0

6.              Consent Agenda: Cutler moved to approve the agenda, Fuller second. Ayes: ALL Agenda approved 7-0

                  6.1            Minutes

                  6.2            Bills

                  6.3            Financials  

6.4            Personnel Hired: Jamie Vink, Associate; Ken Leighty, Transportation Director; Travis Owens Asst. Baseball Coach; Resignations: Aaron Aljets, Teacher/Head G BB coach; Karissa Rempe, winter cheer; Claire Skinner, MS SB Coach

7.              Board Items  

                  7.1            Superintendent Comments Working on the Special Education Delivery Plan

7.2            Board Comments None

7.3            Board Calendar  Next meeting 3/20 in Zearing

8.              Closed Session Fuller moved to go into closed session, Walker second. Went to closed session at 8:28 p.m.

Closed session to discuss in Accord with Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(i) to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual's reputation and that individual requests a closed session.

Exited closed session at 8:45 p.m.

9.               Closed Session Cutler moved to go into closed session, Jedlicka second.  Went to closed session at 8:46 p.m.

Closed session to discuss in Accord with Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(i) to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual's reputation and that individual requests a closed session.

Exited closed session at 9:43 p.m.

10.            Adjourn Cutler moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 p.m.

rfoley@colo-ne… Wed, 02/22/2023 - 14:05

Board Minutes - 2023.03.20

Board Minutes - 2023.03.20



                                                       BOARD OF EDUCATION

The regular meeting was held by the Colo-NESCO Board of Education on March 20, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. in the Zearing Conference Room, Zearing, Iowa.  In attendance: Jon Cutler, Justin Walker, Brad Kohlwes, Katy McKinney, John Fuller (6:35); Staff: Marc Snavely, Sherri Ruzek (virtual), Rita Foley, Bill Lytle, Brandon Kelley, Kody Asmus, Beth Heller, Paula Cady; Guests: Tracy Edwards, DMACC.  Absent: Joel Niemeyer, Justin Jedlicka


1.             Call to Order meeting was called to order at 6:31 p.m.

2.             Approval of Agenda Kohlwes moved to approve the agenda, McKinney second. Ayes: ALL Agenda approved 4-0                              

3.             Public Comments: There were no public comments

4.             Public Hearing for the 2023-2024 School Year Calendar – McKinney moved to open public meeting, Walker second, discussion was held on the 23-24 School Year Calendar.  Fuller moved to close the public hearing, McKinney second. Ayes: ALL Moved to Regular meeting.            

5.             Information/Discussion:

                5.1          Career Counselor Update Edwards gave an update on the Career Counselor and how it has been going during this first year. She explained                                  her role and what she is doing at C/N and some job sharing opportunities she has provided students with.

5.2          School Improvement Update – Asmus, Cady and Heller reported on the Winter testing data and test scores and the plans for moving forward to continue with our growth.  The FAST testing is required by the State, but does not necessarily corelate to the Iowa CORE. Cady reported on progress at the elementary.  Heller reported on the MS/HS progress.

5.3          Presentation of the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Ruzek presented the budget for FY 24 and discussed increasing the tax levy.  The finance committee will meet prior to the public hearing for the budget.

5.4          Discussion on Make-Up Days (2022-2023 School Year Calendar) Snavely discussed the timeline for make up days for the 22-23 school year.  Snavely recommends that we have 3 student days made up and one PD day.

5.5          Discussion on Shared HR Director/Administrative Support Sharing Agreement & Contract w/Collins-Maxwell (Starting April 1, 2023) Snavely presented the shared HR Director/Administrative Support Sharing agreement with C/M and contract.

5.6          Discussion on Curriculum Sharing Agreement w/Collins-Maxwell (2023-2024 School Year) Snavely discussed the curriculum sharing agreement with C/M

5.7          Discussion on Special Education Sharing Agreement with Collins-Maxwell (2023-2024 School Year) Snavely discussed the Special education Sharing agreement with C/M.

5.8          Discussion on Sharing Library Services with Collins-Maxwell (2023-2024 School Year) Snavely discussed sharing Library Services with C/M.

                5.9          Discussion on AEA Purchasing Agreement Snavely discussed the AEA Purchasing agreement

5.10        Discussion on Service Agreement with the Story County Sheriff’s Office Snavely discussed the service agreement with Story County Sheriff’s Office

5.11        Discussion on Agreement with Morningside University Snavely discussed the agreement with Morningside University for student teachers.

5.12        Discussion on Waiving the Iowa High School Athletic Association 90-Day Ineligibility Period for Student Open-Enrolling Out (2023-2024 School Year) Snavely discussed the request for waiving the IHSAA 90 ineligibility period for a student open enrolling to another district.

5.13        Discussion on Painting Bids Lytle presented painting bids of Golden Touch $12037.10, The Painters $12,600, Brink $43,575.

5.14        Discussion on Asphalt Bids Lytle presented Asphalt bid from Gee Asphalt for $34,792.39, this is for filling in cracks and doing the parking lot markings this summer.

5.15        Discussion on Window Bids for Colo Lytle presented window bids to replace windows on the west side of the Colo building, the administration offices and windows in the 5th and 6th grade classrooms.  Southern $92,609.10, Boone $145,200.

5.16        Discussion on Payments for the New Bus Garage in Zearing Snavely reported on the payments for the new bus garage in Zearing.  Materials are scheduled to be delivered next week.

5.17        Discussion on Mutual Release and Waiver w/ISG for Bolt Covers in Colo and Lockers in Zearing Snavely discussed that lockers have been installed in Zearing and bolt covers have been installed in Colo.  This work is complete and this is an agreement with ISG to sign off on these items.

5.18        Discussion on Board Policy 701.05 R(1): Fiscal Management-Financial Metrics (NEW) Snavely discussed the information for Policy 701.5 for Fiscal Management-Financial Metrics.

5.19        Discussion on Board Policy 905.1-907.R1 (1st Reading-2nd Half of 900 Series) Snavely discussed the 1st reading of the 2nd half of the 900 series of Policies.       

6.             Action Agenda:

            6.1          Approval of the 2023-2024 School Year Calendar Kohlwes moved to approve the 2023-24 School year calendar, Fuller second. Ayes: ALL                                    Calendar approved 5-0

6.2          Set Public Hearing for the 2024 Fiscal Year Budget Fuller moved to set the public hearing for the FY24 budget for April 17, 2023, McKinney second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 5-0

6.3          Set Calendar Hearing for the 2022-2023 Calendar to Address Make-Up Days Fuller moved to approve a public hearing for the 22-23 calendar, Walker second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 5-0

6.4          Approval of Shared HR Director/Administrative Support Sharing Agreement & Contract w/Collins-Maxwell (Starting April 1, 2023) McKinney moved to approve the sharing agreement for the HR Director/Administrative Support Sharing Agreement & Contract, Walker second.  Ayes: ALL Motion approved 5-0

6.5          Approval of Curriculum Sharing Agreement w/Collins-Maxwell (2023-2024 School Year) Walker moved to approve the curriculum sharing agreement with Collins-Maxwell, Fuller second.  Ayes: ALL Motion approved 5-0

6.6          Approval of Special Education Sharing Agreement with Collins-Maxwell (2023-2024 School Year) Fuller moved to approve the Special Education Sharing Agreement with Collins-Maxwell, McKinney second.  Ayes: ALL Motion approved 5-0

6.7          Approval of Sharing Library Services with Collins-Maxwell (2023-2024 School Year) McKinney moved to approve sharing library services with Collins-Maxwell, Walker second.  Ayes: ALL Motion approved 5-0

6.8          Approval of the AEA Purchasing Agreement McKinney moved to approve the AEA Purchasing agreement, Fuller second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 5-0

6.9          Approval of Service Agreement with the Story County Sheriff’s Office Walker moved to approve the agreement for services with the Story County Sheriff’s office for their presence at certain school events, Fuller second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 5-0

6.10        Approval of Agreement with Morningside University Fuller moved to approve the agreement with Morningside University for student teachers and practicum students, McKinney second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 5-0

6.11        Approval of Waiving the Iowa High School Athletic Association 90-Day Ineligibility Period for Student Open-Enrolling Out (2023-2024 School Year) Fuller moved to approve waiving of the HAHSAA 90 ineligibility period for student open enrolling out, McKinney second. Ayes: 2 (Fuller, McKinney) Nayes: 3 (Walker, Kohlwes, Cutler) Motion denied 2-3.

6.12        Approval of Painting Bid Kohlwes moved to approve Golden Touch’s painting bid for a total of $12037.10, Walker second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 5-0

6.13        Approval of Asphalt Bid Kohlwes moved to approve bid with Gee Asphalt for $34,792.39, Fuller second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 5-0

6.14        Approval of Window Bid for Colo Kohlwes moved to approve the bid for windows with Southern for a total price of $92,609.00, McKinney second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved.

6.15        Approval of Payments for the New Bus Garage in Zearing Kohlwes moved to approve the payment schedule for the new bus garage in Zearing totalling $92669.00, Fuller second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 5-0

6.16        Approval of Mutual Release and Waiver w/ISG for Bolt Covers in Colo and Lockers in Zearing Fuller moved to approve the mutual release and waiver with ISG for bolt covers in Colo and lockers in Zearing, Walker second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 5-0

6.17        Approval of Board Policy 701.05 R(1): Fiscal Management-Financial Metrics (NEW) Fuller moved to approve Policy 701.05 R(1) as amended, McKinney second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 5-0

7.             Consent Agenda: Fuller moved to approve the consent agenda, Walker second

                7.1          Minutes

                7.2          Bills

                7.3          Financials

7.4          Personnel Madison Klocke – 5-12 Art; Rita Foley - HR Director/Administrative Services; Heller - Curriculum stipend; Buckridge – Volunteer Golf Coach.

8.             Board Items  

                8.1          Superintendent Comments - Working on the Goals worksheet and will get staff input; Need to set a finance meeting before public hearing.

8.2          Board Comments

8.3          Board Calendar - Next meeting will be held April 17, 2023 at 6:30 in Colo.

9.             Adjourn Kohlwes moved to adjourn, Walker second.  Meeting adjourned 9:05 p.m.

rfoley@colo-ne… Wed, 03/22/2023 - 13:04

Board Minutes - 2023.04.05

Board Minutes - 2023.04.05


                  BOARD OF EDUCATION

A special board meeting was held by the Colo-NESCO Board of Education on Wednesday, April 5, 2023 at 7:30 a.m. in the Colo-NESCO District Office located at 919 West Street in Colo, IA. Board members were given the option to meet in person or attend virtually.  Present: Joel Niemeyer (telephone), Jon Cutler (virtual), John Fuller, (virtual), Justin Walker (virtual); Marc Snavely, Rita Foley, Sherri Ruzek; ABSENT: Justin Jedlicka, Katy Mckinney, Brad Kohlwes


1.                Call to Order Cutler called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m.

2.                Approval of Agenda Fuller moved to approve the agenda, Niemeyer second. Ayes: ALL Agenda approved                 

3.                Information/Discussion:                   

3.1              Discuss Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Guarantee Resolution Snavely discussed the budget guarantee resolution

4.                Action Agenda:        

4.1              Approve Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Guarantee Resolution Resolved, that the Board of Directors of Colo-NESCO Community School District, will levy property taxes for fiscal year 2023-2024 for the regular program budget adjustment as allowed under section 257.14, Cold of Iowa was moved by Fuller, Niemeyer second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved.

5.                Adjourn Walker moved to adjourn the meeting, Fuller second.  Meeting adjourned 7:34 a.m.

rfoley@colo-ne… Thu, 04/06/2023 - 07:08

Board Minutes - 2023.04.17

Board Minutes - 2023.04.17




The regular meeting was held by the Colo-NESCO Board of Education on Monday, April 17th, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. in the Colo Middle/High School Library at 919 West Street, Colo, Iowa. Attendance: Joel Niemeyer, Brad Kohlwes, Jon Cutler,  Justin Jedlicka, Katy McKinney; Staff: Marc Snavely, Sherri Ruzek, Rita Foley, Brandon Kelley, Travis Owens, Bill Lytle, Kody Asmus; Absent: John Fuller, Justin Walker


1.             Call to Order Niemeyer called the meeting to order at 6:31p.m.; Roll Call was held

2.             Approval of Agenda Cutler moved to approve the agenda, Jedlicka second. Agenda approved.                             

3.             Public Comments:  There were no public comments

4.             Closed Session: Closed session to discuss in Accord with Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(i) to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual's reputation and that individual requests a closed session. Cutler moved to go into closed session, Jedlicka second. Went into closed session at 6:32               

                Returned to open session at 7:15 p.m.

5.             Public Hearing for the 2024 Budget Cutler moved to open the public hearing, second Jedlicka Ayes: ALL Moved to open session

                                a)            Presentation of the 2024 Budget Ruzek discussed the 2024 Budget

                                b)            Public Comment None

c)            Action on the 2024 Budget Cutler moved to approve the 2024 Budget 13.94983, Jedlicka second Ayes: ALL Motion approved. 5-0

Moved to close the Public Hearing for the 2024 Budget, McKinney second. Moved out of public hearing.

6.             Public Hearing to Amend the 2022-2023 School Year Calendar Cutler moved to open the public hearing Jedlicka second. Ayes: ALL Moved to public session,

a)            Discuss Proposed Changes for Make-Up Dates Snavely discussed the changes for the FY23 Calendar

                                b)            Public Comment None

c)            Action on Amending the 2022-2023 School Year Calendar Cutler moved to approve the amended 2022-23 School Year Calendar, Jedlicka second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved.        

Moved to close the Public Hearing for the 2022-2023 School Year Calendar              

7.             Information/Discussion:

                7.1          Discussion on the 2022 Audit Ruzek discussed the 2022 Audit findings

                7.2          Discussion on Financials Ruzek discussed the financials

                7.3          Discussion on the Career Ready Plan Asmus discussed the Career Ready Plan

7.4          Discussion on the Architectural Design Fees for the Track Complex Snavely discussed the architectural design fees for the track complex.  Bids were frk - $6,500; Martin-Gardner - $8,000; ISG - $21,400.

7.5          Discussion on the Carpet for the Library in Colo Lytle discussed the bids to replace the carpet in the Colo library. Phillips $16,577; Hiller $16,448.

7.6          Discussion on the Plan for Planting Trees on all Three Sites Lytle discussed the bids for planting trees on all three sites. Kuburski $9,165.50; Country Landscapes $11,882

7.7          Discussion on Plumbing for the Zearing Bus Garage Lytle discussed the bid for plumbing at the Zearing bus garage. Andy Kelley $26,000.  This amount may be less since the City is doing some of this work.

7.8          Discussion on Remodeling the Baseball & Softball Bathroom Facilities Lytle discussed the bids for remodeling the Baseball & Softball Bathroom facilities. Marlin Beard $10,420; Jay Porter $29,158.30

7.9          Discussion on Replacing the Preschool Storage Shed in Zearing Snavely discussed bids on replacing the PS Storage shed. Marlin Beard $8,299.

7.10        Discussion on the FCCLA Fundraising Requests Snavely discussed the FCCLA fundraising requests to help fund the trip to Denver for National Conference: Tape a Teacher to the wall; 31 Bags; May Day Baskets; Donation letters; Bake sale; Trivia night and bake sale

7.11        Discussion on Board Policy 900 Series (905.1-907.R1)-2nd Reading This is the 2nd reading of the last part of the 900 Series


8.             Action Agenda:


8.1          Approval of the 2022 Audit Jedlicka moved to approve the 2022 audit, Kohlwes second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 5-0

8.2          Approval of the District Employee Insurance Rate Increase for FY24 Cutler moved to approve the insurance rate increase for FY24, Jedlicka second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 5-0

8.3          Approval of the Career Ready Plan Jedlicka moved to approve the Career Ready plan, McKinney second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 5-0

8.4          Approval of the List of 2023 Graduates Kohlwes moved to approve the list of 2023 Graduates, Jedlicka second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 5-0.

8.5          Approval of the Architectural Design Fees for the Track Complex Jedlicka moved to approve the bid from frk for $6,500, Kohlwes second. Ayes: ALL motion approved 5-0

8.6          Approval of the Carpet for the Library in Colo Kohlwes moved to approve the bid from Phillips for $16,577 to replace the carpet in Colo, McKinney second.  Ayes: ALL Motion approved 5-0

8.7          Approval of the Plan for Planting Trees on all Three Sites Cutler moved to approve the bid from Kuburski for $9166.50 for planting trees on all three sites, Kohlwes second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 5-0

8.8          Approval of the Plumbing Bid for the Zearing Bus Garage Cutler moved to approve the bid from Andy Kelley to do the underground work for the bus garage in Zearing in the amount of $26,000, McKinney second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 5-0

8.9          Approval of Remodeling the Baseball & Softball Bathroom Facilities Kohlwes moved to approve the bid from Marlin Beard for $10,420 to remodel the baseball and softball bathroom facilities, Jedlicka second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 5-0        

8.10        Approval of Replacing the Preschool Storage Shed in Zearing Cutler moved to approve the bid from Marlin Beard for $8,299 to rebuild the preschool storage shed in Zearing, Jedlicka second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 5-0

8.11        Approval of the FCCLA Fundraising Requests Jedlicka moved to approve the FCCLA fundraising requests, McKinney second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 5-0

8.12        Approval of Board Policy 900 Series (905.1-907.R1)-2nd Reading Jedlicka moved to approve the second reading of the 9-5.1-907.R1 policies, Cutler second.  Ayes: ALL Motion approved 5-0.

9.             Consent Agenda: Cutler moved to approve the consent agenda, Jedlicka second. Ayes: All Motion approved 5-0

                9.1          Minutes (March 20th Regular Meeting & April 5th Special Meeting)

                9.2          Bills  

                9.3          Financials

9.4          Personnel Hired: Treasa VanderHart-Associate, Alicia Smith-Associate (23-24), Emily Banks – JH SB, Rylee Purvis – JH SB, Landon Buckridge – JH BB, Matt Banks – Volunteer coach; Resignation: Sarah Woodward – Associate, Kelly Snavely- Associate; Contract change: Brighton Clatt – JH BB

10.          Board Items 

                10.1        Superintendent Comments A special board meeting will need to be scheduled to approve the settlement and contracts after negotiations; Construction update will be given when ISG gives their                 report;  A PPEL meeting needs to be scheduled to discuss upcoming needs.  Meeting will be held April 25, 2023 at 5:30.

10.2        Board Comments Great track meet was run last Friday.

10.3        Board Calendar  Next regular meeting May 15, 2023, 6:30 Colo MS/HS Library

11.          Adjourn Kohlwes moved to adjourn,  Jedlicka second.  Meeting adjourned 8:42 p.m.

rfoley@colo-ne… Tue, 04/25/2023 - 09:14

Board Minutes - 23.04.27 Special Meeting

Board Minutes - 23.04.27 Special Meeting



A special board meeting was held by the Colo-NESCO Board of Education on Thursday, April 27, 2023 at 7:30 a.m. in the Colo-NESCO District Office located at 919 West Street in Colo, IA. Board members were given the option to meet in person or attend virtually. In attendance: Joel Niemeyer (telephone), Jon Cutler (virtual), Justin Walker (virtual), Justin Jedlicka (virtual), John Fuller (virtual); Marc Snavely, Rita Foley. Absent: Katy McKinney, Brad Kohlwes


1.                Call to Order Cutler called the meeting to order at 7:32 a.m.; Roll call was held

2.                Approval of Agenda Fuller moved to approve the agenda, Jedlicka second. Ayes: ALL Agenda approved                  

3.                Information/Discussion:                   

3.1              Discussion on the Agreement Between the CN CSD & the CNEA Snavely discussed the agreement between C/N CSD and the CNEA and discussed the wording changes regarding tier payment, prep period pay, family sick leave.

3.2              Discussion on Teaching & Coaching Contracts Snavely presented the teaching and coaching contracts

3.3              Discussion on Associate & Cook/Server Contracts Snavely presented the Associate & Cook/Server wage amounts

3.4              Discussion on Support Staff & Administrative Contracts Snavely presented the support staff and Administrative Contracts

3.5              Discussion on Bus Driver Contracts Snavely presented the Bus Driver wage amounts

4.                Action Agenda:      

4.1              Approval of the Agreement Between the CN CSD and the CNEA Fuller moved to approve the agreement between the CN CSD and the CNEA, Jedlicka second.  Ayes: All Agreement approved 5-0

4.2              Approval of Teaching & Coaching Contracts Walker moved to approve teaching and coaching contracts, Fuller second. Ayes: ALL Contracts approved 4-0 (Niemeyer abstained)

4.3              Approval of Associate & Cook/Server Contracts Niemeyer moved to approve Associate & Cook/Server contracts, Jedlicka second.  Ayes: ALL Contracts approved 5-0

4.4              Approval of Support Staff & Administrative Contracts Fuller moved to approve Support Staff & Administrative contracts, Walker second.  Ayes: ALL Contracts approved 4-0 (Cutler abstained)

4.5              Approval of Bus Driver Contracts Jedlicka moved to approve Bus Driver contracts, Fuller second.  Ayes: ALL Contracts approved 4-0 (Niemeyer abstained)

5.                Adjourn Fuller moved to adjourn the meeting, Jedlicka second.  Meeting adjourned at  7:53 a.m.

rfoley@colo-ne… Sun, 05/07/2023 - 10:23

Board Minutes - 23.05.15

Board Minutes - 23.05.15


                                                    BOARD OF EDUCATION

The regular meeting was held by the Colo-NESCO Board of Education on May 15, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. in the Colo-NESCO Middle/High School Library in Colo, Iowa.  Attendance:  Joel Niemeyer, Justin Jedlicka, Justin Walker, Katy McKinney, Fuller (6:41p.m.); Cutler (7:37 p.m.) Staff: Marc Snavely, Sherri Ruzek (virtual), Rita Foley, Brandon Kelley, Ken Leighty, Bill Lytle Absent: Brad Kohlwes


1.               Call to Order meeting was called to order at 6:37 p.m.

2.                Approval of Agenda Jedlicka moved to approve the agenda, Walker second. Ayes: ALL Agenda approved 4-0.                                      

3.                Public Comments: There were no public comments

4.                Public Hearing Jedlicka moved to public hearing at 6:38 p.m. McKinney second. Ayes: ALL Moved to public hearing.                  

                    4.1             Discussion on Amendment of Current Budget Ruzek discussed the amendment of the current budget.

4.2             Approval of Amendment of Current Budget Jedlicka moved to approve the amendment of the current budget, Walker second.  Ayes: ALL Budget amendment approved 4-0.           

5.                Information/Discussion:

           5.1             School Board Recognition Snavely recognized all board members and thanked them for their time spent for the District.

5.2             Discussion on McCallsburg Daycare Lease Snavely reviewed the discussion that was held with the daycare.  They will come to the June meeting.

5.3             Discussion on Walnut Creek Psychiatry Contract Snavely discussed the agreement with Walnut Creek Psychiatry.

5.4             Discussion on Value-Up Contract Snavely discussed the Value-Up Contract to bring a speaker in on orientation night.

                    5.5             Discussion on Vista Contract Snavely discussed the Vista contract for the accounting/personnel.

                    5.6             Discussion on DASHIR Contract & Employee Pay Increases Snavely discussed the Dashir renewal.

5.7             Discussion on TLC Positions for the 2023-2024 School Year Snavely discussed the TLC positions for the 23-24 school year.

5.8             Discussion on YSS Kid’s Club MOU Snavely discussed the YSS Kid’s Club MOU.  They received a $50,000 grant from Story County.

5.9             Discussion on Monday Preschool Special Activity in Zearing Snavely discussed starting the Monday program for preschool students.

5.10          Discussion on Special Education Service Delivery Plan Snavely discussed the Special Education Service Delivery Plan.

5.11          Discussion on Plan for Summertime Hours Snavely discussed the plan for summertime hours and the hours the District office will be open.

5.12          Discussion on a Request from a Family to Host a Foreign Exchange Student Snavely discussed the request from a family to host a Foreign Exchange Student.

5.13          Discussion on School Fees for the 2023-2024 School Year Snavely discussed the school fees for 23-24, only increase is adult lunch.

5.14          Discussion on Policy Primers Snavely presented the policy primers that were sent out by IASB after legislative changes.

5.15          Discussion on Master Agreement (2023-2028) Snavely presented the Master agreement for 23-28 and discussed the changes.

                    5.16          Discussion on PPEL/SAVE Purchases

                                                            a. Classroom Furniture-Colo & Zearing Snavely discussed purchasing furniture for 4 classrooms $66,771.50, there is also a quote for chairs for first grade $4322.58.

b. Bleachers-Colo This is being tabled until June due to the bids not being comparable as demolition was not included in one bid.

c. Tuckpointing-Colo, Zearing, & McCallsburg Lytle presented quotes from Iowa $48,990; Karr $62,875; Midwest $69,500.

d. Bus Leighty presented quotes for a new bus.  He also discussed that a school in Anamosa that is interested in purchasing bus 15.  Leighty did research on gas vs diesel.  He has found that the majority of gas busses are having less problems than diesel busses currently are.

6.                Action Agenda:

           6.1             Approval of Walnut Creek Psychiatry Contract McKinney moved to approve the contract with Walnut Creek Psychiatry, Jedlicka second. Ayes: ALL 6-0.

6.2             Approval of Value-Up Contract Jedlicka moved to approve the Value Up contract for $4,000, Fuller second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 6-0.

6.3             Approval of Vista Contract Jedlicka moved to approve the Vista contract for 23-24 for $9,200, McKinney second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 6-0.

6.4             Approval of DASHIR Contract and Employee Pay Increases Fuller moved to approve the DASHIR contract with a 2.5% increase, Walker second. Ayes: ALL, Motion approved 6-0.

6.5             Approval of TLC Positions for the 2023-2024 School Year Jedlicka moved to approve the TLC Positions, Fuller second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 5-0 (Niemeyer abstained).

6.6             Approval of YSS Kid’s Club MOU McKinney moved to approve the YSS Kid’s Club MOU, Jedlicka second.  Ayes: ALL Motion approved 6-0.

6.7             Approval of Monday Preschool Special Activity in Zearing Fuller moved to approve the special activity program in Zearing, Walker second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 6-0.

6.8             Approval of Special Education Service Delivery Plan Jedlicka moved to approve the Special Education Service Delivery Plan, McKinney second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 6-0.

6.9             Approval of Plan for Summertime Hours Walker moved to approve the summertime hours as presented, Fuller second. Ayes: ALL. Motion approved 6-0.

6.10          Approval of Request from a Family to Host a Foreign Exchange Student Fuller moved to approve the request for a Foreign Exchange Student, McKinney second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 6-0 (Jedlicka abstained.)

6.11          Approval of School Fees for the 2023-2024 School Year Jedlicka moved to approve school fees for the 23-24 school year, Fuller second.  Ayes: ALL Motion approved 6-0.

6.12          Approval of Policy Primers Fuller moved to approve the policy primers, Jedlicka second.  Ayes: All Motion approved 6-0.

6.13          Approval of Master Contract (2023-2028) Cutler moved to approve the Master Contract, Jedlicka second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 6-0.

                    6.14          Approval of PPEL/SAVE Purchases

a. Classroom Furniture-Colo & Zearing Jedlicka moved to approve the purchase of classroom furniture from Premier for $71,094.08, Cutler second.  Ayes: ALL Motion approved 6-0.

b. Bleachers-Colo tabled until June.

c. Tuckpointing-Colo, Zearing, & McCallsburg Cutler moved to approve tuckpointing from Iowa for $48.990, Walker second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 6-0.

d. Bus Cutler moved to approve purchasing a 2025 Blue Bird Gas Bus for $131,483 with no trade in, Jedlicka second.  Ayes: ALL Motion approved 6-0.

7.                Consent Agenda: Fuller moved to approve the consent agenda, Jedlicka second. Ayes All. Agenda approved 6-0.

                    7.1             Minutes

                    7.2             Bills

                    7.3             Financials  

7.4             Personnel

Hired: Stalzer VGBB; Parson Volunteer HS BB; Engelken FCCLA  stipend; Ronnfeldt volunteer HS FB; Purvis HS Asst SB Coach.

Resigned: Backoff – HS FB Cheer; Sutton – Girls Summer Weight Coach FY 24.

8.                Board Items 

                    8.1             Superintendent Comments  Baccalaureate is Wednesday, May 17; Graduation is Sunday, May 21, 2023.

8.2             Board Comments There were no comments    

8.3             Board Calendar  Next meeting June 19, 2023 at 6:30 in Colo.

9.                Adjourn Fuller moved to adjourn the meeting, Jedlicka second.  Meeting adjourned at 8:17p.m..

rfoley@colo-ne… Wed, 05/17/2023 - 08:16

Board Minutes - 23.06.26 Special Meeting

Board Minutes - 23.06.26 Special Meeting


                                                       BOARD OF EDUCATION


A special meeting was held by the Colo-NESCO Board of Education on Monday, June 26, 2023, at 7:00 a.m. in the Colo-NESCO Middle/High School Office in Colo, Iowa. Present: Joel Niemeyer (virtual), Jon Cutler (virtual), John Fuller (virtual), Justin Walker (virtual) Justin Jedlicka (virtual); Staff: Marc Snavely, Rita Foley, Sherri Ruzek (virtual) Absent: Brad Kohlwes, Katy McKinney



1.             Call to Order Niemeyer called the meeting to order at 7:00 a.m.

2.             Approval of the Agenda Cutler moved to approve the agenda, Fuller second.  Ayes: ALL; Motion approved 5-0

3.             Public Hearing for the Sale of a School Bus No one was present for the public hearing

4.             Approval of the Resolution to Sell Bus #15 to the Anamosa Community School District for $47,000 Fuller moved to approve the resolution to sell bus #15 to Anamosa CSD for $47,000, Cutler second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 5-0

5.             Approval of the EMC Insurance Renewal Cutler moved to approve the EMC Insurance Renewal, Jedlicka second. Ayes: ALL Motion approved 5-0

6.             Approval of Commissioning the Colo and Zearing Buildings Cutler moved to approve the commissioning of the Colo and Zearing Buildings by Shive-Hattery Architecture and Engineering for $97,563, Fuller second. Ayes: All Motion approved 5-0

7.             Approval of the Personnel Sheet Fuller moved to approve Haley Kelley, Fall & Winter Flag Sponsor, Jedlicka second. Ayes: All Motion approved 5-0                                         

8.             Adjourn Jedlicka moved to adjourn, Fuller second.  Ayes: All Meeting adjourned at 7:07 a.m.

rfoley@colo-ne… Mon, 06/26/2023 - 15:13